Featuring Ben M. Freeman, Renowned Author and Educator, London, U.K.
This course will offer an understanding of historical and contemporary Jew-hatred as well as its impact on Jews, while focusing on inspiring and empowering Jews to see their Jewishness as a source of pride and not shame.
Session 1: “What is Jewish Pride and Why now?“
This session will focus on the current crisis of Jew-hate, connecting it to the historical Jewish experience.
Will be held on 8 January 2023 at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time
Session 2: “Pride or Prejudice: The Impact of Internalised Jew-hate“
This session will focus on the impact of Jew-hatred on Jews, specifically focusing on the idea of internalised anti-Jewishness.
Will be held on 15 January 2023 at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time
Session 3: “Pride or Prejudice: The Impact of Internalised Jew-hate Part 2“
This session will focus on the impact of Jew-hatred on Jews, specifically focusing on the idea of internalised anti-Jewishness.
Will be held on 22 January 2023 at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time
Session 4: “Jewish Pride: A Jewish Revolution“
This session will focus on practical steps to Jewish Pride as well as an overview of how this movement has changed the Jewish world
Will be held on 29 January 2023 at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time
Classes will be held virtually on Zoom. Recordings will be made available to registered participants who are not able to attend live sessions. Limited student scholarships are available, to apply contact [email protected].